woah! amazing work! lovely job on the background rendering, too!
woah! amazing work! lovely job on the background rendering, too!
Super cute!
Ah rouge!! glad she's getting more love! thos looks hecken good tho!
So cool!
you did a pretty dang good job on the lighting! And lovely work on the character turn too!
ooooh! these will be useful for future use!
Ah its great to see the OG! amazing work!
woah mama! nice work!
Love the lighting!
Thank you!
Love the pose and expression, amazin job blue!
Hi, you can call me Aono!
I Produce Music/Draw/ and Studying Animation stuff!
(P.s. I also like 18+ things here...just a heads up) COMMISSIONS CLOSED!
Joined on 3/8/16